Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Music Video Questionnaire

1) How old are you?

2) Are you male or female? (Please circle)
Male Female

3) What is your favourite music genre? (Please list your favourites)

4) What type of music video do you like? (Please circle your favourites)
Comedy Sci-Fi Action Dance Tranquil Happy Sad Romance

5) Do you like the artist/band to be in a music video?
Yes No Don’t mind/Depends

6) Do you prefer males or females to be in a music video?
Males Females Both Don’t mind/Depends

7) What music magazines do you read? (If any, circle appropriate)
Q Kerrang NME Rolling Stone Mojo Jazzwise
Other (Please specify) .............

8) Do you prefer a music video to be colourful or black and white?
Colourful Black & White Don’t mind/Depends

9) Do you prefer a music video to have a more retro or modern style?
Retro Modern Don’t mind/Depends

10) Do you like music videos that are easy to follow or more of a challenge to understand?
Easy Hard Don’t mind/Depends

11) Do you like special effects in a music video?
Yes No Don’t mind/Depends

12) Should a music video be more dramatic or soft?
Dramatic Soft Don’t mind/Depends

13) Should a music video be slow or fast paced?
Slow Fast Don’t mind/Depends

14) Do you prefer a more light hearted video or something scarier?
Light Scary Action packed

15) Do you like stereotypes in a music video?
Yes No

16) Do you like festive/seasonal music videos?
Yes, more santa! Bah, humbug!

17) Do you like more historical or futuristic settings?
Historical Futuristic Present

18) Should the narrative of a music video have a genre? (Eg. Action, romance etc)
Yes No

19) Should the video amplify, disjuncture (contradict) or illustrate the lyrics?
Amplify Disjuncture Illustrate No preference

20) Do you watch any music channels?
Yes No

21) If so, which ones?
MTV VH1 4Music Kerrang Kiss TMF Other (Please state) ......................

22) What’s your favourite music video and why?

23) What’s your least favourite music video and why?

24) Will you buy an album if you like music videos?
Yes No, I’m a pirate

25) Any additional comments?

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