Friday, 16 October 2009


Artist: The Edible Zoo

Song: Army of Nerds

Genre: Rock

Target Audience: 16 – 21 year olds, video game players

Outline of Narrative: The narrative starts with a 50's themed diner. A nerd, dressed stereotypically approaches the bartender and asks for a milkshake. A "greaser", dressed with a leather jacket and slicked back hair leaves the toilets and combs his hair. The greaser notices the nerd, grabs him by the scruff and asks him if he's done the homework for him. The nerd tries to come up with an excuse, but is quickly kicked out of the diner. At this point the music starts and the "army of nerds" march in, this time beating up the greaser.

In a different location, a lone nerd appears to be bird watching and chasing butterflies with a net. He climbs up into a tree with his binoculars and spies comically on a woman undressing in the house nearby. He appears to be dribbling and enjoying the sight until the woman notices him, at which point he falls out of the tree. The narrative then continues with him and a group of other nerds attempting to stalk her, hiding in various places. They are eventually found, and a group of greasers give them "wedgies" and "nipple twists". However, the army of nerds return and start a battle with the greasers in a comical style, with the nerds eventually winning. The girl that was stalked begins to like the nerd that defeated the greaser, and kisses him on the cheek. The nerd then faints.

Additionally, during the two minature storylines there are various scenes with the army of nerds messing around, including sword fighting scenes, gaming and a recreation of the Pong game.

Resources: Camera, Tripod, Binoculars, Small fishing net, Computer, Computer Monitor

Crew: James Allen, Kane Wright, Laura Henshaw

Time Required: 6 hours for filming, 6 hours for editing.

Transport - £6
Red pencil - £0.20
Paper - £0.50
Glasses - £0.00
Cake - £2.50
Hairspray - £0.20
Lab coat - £0.00
TOTAL - £9.40

Copywrite Clearance

"Thank you for taking interest in our band. We would be happy to give you permission to include and use the song "Army of Nerds" in your music video. If you need the band present, we can also be there for filming as well."
Matthew Mullan, The Edible Zoo

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Questionnaire Results

Question 1: How old are you?

Most of the people who took are survey were 21 or below and we will therefore use older teens to young adults as our target audience.

Question 2: Are you male or female?

We gave our survey to 30 people and decided to give it to an even amount of males and females so we could gather a more equal set of data so the video can appeal to both sexes and is not bias to either gender’s views or sterotypes.

Question 3: What is your favourite music genre?

The results show that the overall favourite genre of music was Rock and from this, we will find and use music from a band that plays rock music for our video.

Question 4: What type of music video do you like?

We asked what type of music video were people’s favourites and we can conclude that people like happy and comic music videos. We will try and make our video happy and have elements of comedy in it. Also in a close second was action and we will also try and make our video contain some action.

Question 5: Do you like the artist/band to be in a music video?

We found that a majority of people liked the artist or band to be in the music video. Therefore we will try and get the band or artist whose music we will use to star in the video.

Question 6: Do you prefer males or females to be in a music video?

We asked if males or females were preferred to be in the video and most people said that they didn’t mind. The second highest voted was both sexes to appear in the video. Because most people voted they didn’t mind which sex was in the video this leaves the idea up to us of which sex to put in the video but we will try and use both sexes as this was the second most voted for.

Question 7: What music magazines do you read?

We found that the magazine that is most read is Kerrang. Kerrang is a rock magazine and from this we can conclude that most of our audience likes rock which is why we are going to use a rock bands music for our video.

Question 8: Do you prefer a music video to be colourful or black and white?

Most people said they did not mind if a video is in black and white or in colour. This will leave the decision up to us and we have decided to make our video in colour as 11 people said that they prefer music videos to be in colour compared to the 2 who voted they preferred black and white.

Question 9: Do you prefer a music video to have a more retro or modern style?

Most people said they didn’t mind which style the music video was so again this leaves the decision open for us to make. 8 people voted that they prefer more retro style videos while 6 people voted that they prefer a more modern style video. As the vote was quite close we will try and use elements of both modern and retro styles in the video.

Question 10: Do you like music videos that are easy to follow or more of a challenge to understand?

Most people chose that they like a music video that is easy to follow with not too many things they have to think about or figure out. Therefore we will make our music video easy viewing so that people can just enjoy it rather than have to think about all the complexes.

Question 11: Do you like special effects in a music video?

Most people said they did not mind if special effects were used in music videos. However, 11 people said that they do like special effects to be used in music videos compared to the 5 who said they did not like special effects to be used. Therefore we will use some special effects in our music video.

Question 12: Should a music video be more dramatic or soft?

Most people said that they did not mind if a music video was dramatic or soft. However, the next voted most for was dramatic. Therefore we will try to make our music videa dramatic where possible, which would appeal to both those that don't mind and those that prefer dramatic videos.

Question 13: Should a music video be slow or fast paced?

The results from this question show that the majority of people asked do not mind if the pace of the video is slow or fast. Even though this is the case, out of either slow or fast paced, more people chose ‘fast’. This sways us slightly toward making a faster paced video even though the majority of people are indifferent.

Question 14: Do you prefer a more light hearted video or something scarier?

The results of this question show that more people prefer a lighter video. From this we are going to make a more light hearted video to accommodate the tastes of the people we asked.

Question 15: Do you like stereotypes in a music video?

This chart shows that the majority of the people we asked preferred to not see stereotypes in a music video. This could apply to age or gender stereotypes and because of this we are going to stray away from most stereotypes when making our video.

Question 16: Do you like festive/seasonal music videos?

The results of this question show that the majority of people asked prefer a non-festive/seasonal video rather than a festive or seasonal video. From these results, we shall not be using any kind of festive or seasonal theme in our video.

Question 17: Do you like more historical or futuristic settings?

These results show that the majority of the people asked prefer modern settings to any other. This pushes us toward making a video set in a modern environment.

Question 18: Should the narrative of a music video have a genre?

According to the people we surveyed, they prefer for a music video to have a clear genre within the narrative. From these results, our music video is going to have a genre to cater for the majority.

Question 19: Should the video amplify, disjuncture (contradict) or illustrate the lyrics?

The results of this question show that the majority of people asked have no preference when it comes to the lyrics relating to the visuals in the video, though the 2nd highest was to amplify so we are going to be inclined to make a video that amplifies the lyrics of our chosen song.

Question 20: Do you watch any music channels?

This is just a general question to find out if the people we asked to complete a questionnaire watch music channels so that we could get a better idea of the audience we were catering to.

Question 21: If so, which ones? (Sometimes more than one answer)

This was a multiple answer question so that we could get a better idea of what kinds of videos our target audience would watch and from there know what kinds of music people liked. From the results, we have to conclude that with 4Music being the most picked channel; the majority like a mix of music genres that makes the audience feel good.

Question 22: Do you have a favourite music video?

This was to see if there was any specifics behind liking certain types of music video, though the results of this were given as a reason and therefore cannot be put into a graph as it would have ten parts to the chart (one for ‘No’ and nine for each ‘Yes’ answer given)

Question 23: Do you have a least favourite music video?

Like the above question, this was to see if there was any specifics behind not liking certain types of music video (as opposed to liking a video for a certain reason), though the results of this were given as a reason and therefore cannot be put into a graph as it would have ten parts to the chart (one for ‘No’ and nine for each ‘Yes’ answer given)

Question 24: Will you buy an album if you like the music video?

The results of this question show that the majority of the people who filled out this questionnaire would not buy an album that features the song of a music video they have seen, even if they like it. This could point to a number of things such as single song downloads from iTunes or Amazon, or through illegal music downloads.

Codes And Conventions

Codes & Conventions
Linear Narrative/maybe non-linear
Amplification of lyrics
Use of star
Some performance used
Close up of star
Main characters
Story lines
Simple special effects
Editing that matches beat
Set in realistic places
Elliptical editing
Lip sync
Image of star is used to portray/ suit genre
Mise en scene used to create character types
Range of camera angles
Use of crane (jib)
Tracking shots
Not much interaction between characters
Simple narratives
No dialogue at beginning
Mostly closed narrative

Music Video Analysis- Fountains Of Wayne- Staceys Mom

Aspects of Performance/Mode of Analysis

There is not much performance as a band as the video is more narrative based. The band does play at various points in the video and this is direct as they are looking at the audience. When the video has Stacey, her mom and the boy in it is indirect as they are not involving the audience by looking at them.


The narrative is non linear as things happen when he has been over previous times such as moving the lawn. There is flash backs to these times.

How Does the Video Create an Image for the Artist/Band

The band is seen as fun as they aren’t taking anything to seriously and there video is funny. They are also not sending out an important message for the audience

How Do the Visuals Relate To the Song

The lyrics are about how ‘Stacey’s mom has got it going on’ and it shows a young boy lusting after his friend Stacey’s mom. The visuals follow the narrative as it shows him mowing the lawn when he sings about it and shows her in a business suit when the lyrics are talking about when she came back from a business trip.


The video starts at school when Stacey is waiting to be picked up. A majority of the video is set at Stacey’s house and in her back garden around the pool area. Stacey’s mom drives a shiny red convertible and wears short skirts and low cut tops which shows her as the ‘desperate housewife’ type.

Use of Camera

It starts with a pan across of everyone’s shoes waiting to be picked up from school. A close up is used of Stacey’s mom when she comes in the car and pans and close ups are used of her body parts such as her legs when she is wearing a short skirt. Zoom in is used of the boys face when Stacey’s mom is undressing so that we can see his facial expression. A variety of camera angles is used when Stacey’s mom is pole dancing. Close ups, pans and mid shots are all used to show what she is doing.


The editing is slow paced until the part when Stacey’s mom starts pole dancing when lots of fast edits are made and lots of flashes between different camera angles are used.


Stacey’s mom wears low cut clothes and drives a sports car which represents her being a typical ‘desperate housewife’ in a huge house with a pool. When the boy opens a bottle it fizzes up and explodes all over him and this represents how he feels when he sees Stacey’s mom undressing. Stacey’s mom has long blonde hair, cleavage on show and very low cut clothing which shows her as a ‘Milf’ stereotype.

Special Effects

Special effects are used when the girl is jumping in to the pool it shows her doing it in slow motion. Also when the band is showed playing they are showed by cartoon graphics.


The genre for this music is Rock.


The audience for this band is teenagers.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Music Video Analysis- Bowling for Soup- Girl All the Bad Guys Want

Aspects of Performance/Mode of Analysis
We see a shop window and a TV inside with the band playing on the screen. This part is direct as they are looking at the audience. The rest is indirect as the other people are not looking at the camera screen.


It starts with the start of a different song by the band being played on a TV screen then switches to the song the video is for. It has a non-linear narrative.

How Does the Video Create an Image for the Artist/Band

The video makes us not really take the band seriously and allows us to think that they are a fun band and that they are good guys and can’t pull off being bad like they want to be.

How Do the Visuals Relate To the Song

The band members are trying to be the ‘bad guy’ that all of the girls want. One of the band members in the video is smoking but keeps choking every time he inhales it and this shows us that he is not ‘bad’ like he is trying to be. The lyrics say ‘As I failed miserably’ and then shows them all failing to get the girl in the video as she walks off at the end and it shows them all failing at being bad.


The girl in the video is stood on a street looking in to a shop window where there is a TV showing the band on it performing. The girl is a typical pretty rock girl with long dark hair and an interesting look. The band is performing in a warehouse and there are lots of props used such as a toilet, band equipment and boxes. Some of the scenes are set in someone’s house when the man is smoking and flicking through pictures then accidentally sets it on fire. Different costumes are used when the band dress up as convicts in orange jail jumpsuits and they also dress up as slipknot with the masks that they wear.

Use of Camera

An extreme close up is used of a cigarette that the man is smoking. Close ups are used of the main singers face and the other members of the bands instruments which are being played. Mid shots are used to show the whole band on one screen playing the song together. A long shot is used in the flat scene where it is on fire and the man is trying to put it out. Pans are used when the whole band are playing together so that we get to see each member.


Shot reverse shot is used with the girl and the TV she is watching with the band playing on. It flashes from the TV screen to her face and back again. Flashes are used to show us different people in all the other locations doing different things like the man in the flat, the man on the toilet and the band playing. The editing is fast paced as it constantly changes quickly between camera angles and to the other locations and people.


All the members are tiring to be the bad boy that the girl in the video wants. One of them is trying to smoke but keeps choking which represents him trying to be bad as smoking is considered something bad boys do but he is choking which shows he is failing at being bad. A man is song writing which also shows him trying to be bad as girls like bad boys in bands and this is what he is trying to do. One man is playing noughts and crosses on his own and looking at pictures of a white fluffy small dog and this represents the fact that he is not bad at all. At the end all the band are jumping around, wrecking their guitars and ripping there clothes off and partying with pretty girls showing that they can be bad and do what rock stars do.

Special Effects

Special effects are used when the man is in his flat and it shows flashes of him moving about rather than showing his whole journey

The genre for this music is Rock.

The audience for this band is teens to young adults.

Notes On Music Videos

Music videos are a marketing device used by record companies so the aim is to create record sales through making the song popular. Music videos have only been main stream since the 1980's. It could be argued that 'The Beatles' contributed to the music video. As in 1964, the film 'A hard days night' contains songs with 'The Beatles' and some narrative was attempted. Therefore, it was a musical sequence rather than a video. In 1965 'The Beatles' began to produce film inserts as a promotional tool. Other bands began to follow suit 'The Beatles' lead the way with 'Strawberry Fields Forever' and 'Penny Lane' both of which being produced by Peter Goldman and were considered avant-garde, slow motion and unusual camera work. Through experimentation they were more sophisticated than previous musical sequences. In the 1980's, music videos became mainstream with the launch of MTV in 1981, with the first song being aired 'Video Killed the Radio Star'. Music videos became standard for bands and artists as they could be cheaply produced with hi-tech equipment and effects such as the chroma key.


Products need to be censored. Music videos are moderated by the BBFC. Music Videos are mini films which is why the BBFC regulate them. Censorship much be considered when making a music video. In 1991, Michael Jackson's 'Black or White' video was censored as Michael Jackson was said to have inappropriately touch himself. Other videos have also been censored such as The Prodigy's 'Smack My Bitch Up' video and also Robbie Williams' 'Rock DJ' video.

Music Video Theory

Some would argue that music videos have made pop superficially based on image. Are pop songs enough on their own to make meaning and pleasure for the audience.

"A good music video is a clip that responds
to the pleasure of music, and in which that
the music is made visual, either in new ways
or in a way that accentuates existing
visual associations." - Andrew Goodwin (1992)

1) Music Videos demonstrates genre characteristics such as dance routines shown in girl/boy band music videos.
2) the relationship between lyrics and visuals either contradicts or illustrates the lyrics.
3) The relationships between the music and visuals will either illustrate, amplify or contradicts whats happening on screen.
4) The demands of the record label will include lots of close ups of the artist(s) may develop motifs which reoccur across the style and video.
5) Frequent reference to the notion of looking voyeurism of the female body.

Music Video Questionnaire

1) How old are you?

2) Are you male or female? (Please circle)
Male Female

3) What is your favourite music genre? (Please list your favourites)

4) What type of music video do you like? (Please circle your favourites)
Comedy Sci-Fi Action Dance Tranquil Happy Sad Romance

5) Do you like the artist/band to be in a music video?
Yes No Don’t mind/Depends

6) Do you prefer males or females to be in a music video?
Males Females Both Don’t mind/Depends

7) What music magazines do you read? (If any, circle appropriate)
Q Kerrang NME Rolling Stone Mojo Jazzwise
Other (Please specify) .............

8) Do you prefer a music video to be colourful or black and white?
Colourful Black & White Don’t mind/Depends

9) Do you prefer a music video to have a more retro or modern style?
Retro Modern Don’t mind/Depends

10) Do you like music videos that are easy to follow or more of a challenge to understand?
Easy Hard Don’t mind/Depends

11) Do you like special effects in a music video?
Yes No Don’t mind/Depends

12) Should a music video be more dramatic or soft?
Dramatic Soft Don’t mind/Depends

13) Should a music video be slow or fast paced?
Slow Fast Don’t mind/Depends

14) Do you prefer a more light hearted video or something scarier?
Light Scary Action packed

15) Do you like stereotypes in a music video?
Yes No

16) Do you like festive/seasonal music videos?
Yes, more santa! Bah, humbug!

17) Do you like more historical or futuristic settings?
Historical Futuristic Present

18) Should the narrative of a music video have a genre? (Eg. Action, romance etc)
Yes No

19) Should the video amplify, disjuncture (contradict) or illustrate the lyrics?
Amplify Disjuncture Illustrate No preference

20) Do you watch any music channels?
Yes No

21) If so, which ones?
MTV VH1 4Music Kerrang Kiss TMF Other (Please state) ......................

22) What’s your favourite music video and why?

23) What’s your least favourite music video and why?

24) Will you buy an album if you like music videos?
Yes No, I’m a pirate

25) Any additional comments?

Monday, 12 October 2009

Music Video Ideas

Before we start filming the music video we have brainstormed some ideas for the song 'Army Of Nerds' By Edible Zoo. This is the song we are doing our music video on.

Music Video Ideas

• Actual army of nerds
• Bird watching (both kinds of bird watching e.g. females and animals)
• Humour used throughout the video
• Bullies to bully the nerds
• Chasing butterflies as the lyrics say
• Playing chess
• Playing computer games due to reference to them in lyrics
• Sword fighting due to the reference in the lyrics of fantasy games
• Red vs Blue (team red, team blue etc)
• Sci-fi- star trek, star wars, classic doctor who.
• Computers and video games
• Space invaders
• Mario
• Dungeons and dragons
• War hammer
• Complex maths
• Wedgies/ nipple twisting
• Binary
• Penny arcade
• Set on field

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Music Video Analysis- Lily Allen- Smile

Aspects Of Performance/Mode Of Analysis

Lily sings to the camera at various points in the video and this is direct. It becomes indirect when she is seen getting revenge on her ex boyfriend and starts to act and show performance. The artist herself plays the main role in this music video


The narrative is non-linear at the beginning as she is seen sat on her bed upset and then there is a flash back of her and her ex boyfriend when they were happy and cuddled up in bed. The rest of the video follows a linear narrative as the beginning is clear from when she is upset. Then the middle when she is getting revenge and finally the end where she has broken her ex down and he is relying on her.

How Does The Video Create An Image For The Artist/Band

It makes us see her as normal and not very celebrity like as this kind of thing happens all the time to regular people and we generally dont think it happens to celebs. She comes across as powerful and independent as its showing that no-one messes with her and gets away with it and that she can cope on her own. It also puts her across as being a bit spiteful.

How Do The Visuals Relate To The Song

The visuals amplify the song as the song is about her being cheated on and breaking up with her boyfriend and taking revenge and in the video we see exactly this.


It is first set in her house as she is sat on her bed singing to the camera. She then meets a guy on a street corner and hands him some money obviosly to do something dodgey as we can tell he is dodgey from the way he presents himself and the way he dresses in scruffy clothing. The man then talks to some chavs and gets them to beat up her ex boyfriend while some of them trash his flat. All these places are seen as normal places and shows us that Lily is just a regular person like us. She also has her trademark dress with trainers combo and gold earrings.

Use Of Camera

In the bedroom lots of andles are used including lots of closeups to show her face when she is singing. Also mid-shots are used to see her sitting on the bed and pannings around her room. Flashes of quick camera angles changes are used when the chavs are trashing the flat. A long tracking shot is used to show her walking at the end down a street.


Shot reverse shot is used when her and her ex boyfriend are in the cafe having a conversation and also when she is in the street talking to the man on the corner. The editing is fast paced as it changes camera regularly and changes back and forth to different scenes.


Lily is seen as a regular person as everyone has to go through a difficult break up. When she seeks revenge on her ex she is seem as spiteful but also as powerful as she is doing something to get back at him for hurting her.

Special Effects

No special effects are used in this video.


The genre for this music is pop.


Teens to young adults.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Music Video Analysis- Chemical Brothers- Hey Boy, Hey Girl

Aspects Of Performance/Mode Of Analysis

No performance was used in this video as there was no dance routines etc. A narrative was used instead . Indirect mode of address was used as we were not involved in the video.


The narrative is Linear as it has a clear beginning, middle and end. The beginning is when the woman is a young girl and she has a fasination with bones. During the middle we see the girl break her arm at a trip to the museum. At the end we see the girl become a woman and is in a nightclub but we see she still has her fasination with bones. Dialogue is used when a man approaches the woman in the club and talks to her and the man at the end in the taxi talks to her.

How Does The Video Create An Image For The Artist/Band

The video makes the band look different to any other band as it is an unusal video unlike all the others. The video promotes dance music as it is set in a club and hints at drug use. The band are showing that their music is more important than there image as they do not appear themselves in the video.

How Do The Visuals Relate To The Song

The song says 'hey boy, hey girl' and the video is based on a girl and shows boys talking to her at various stages in the song. The song is a dance song and this is amplified by the fact that part of the video is set in a nightclub.


It is set on an school bus with school children on it. We can tell this by the fact that they are wearing school uniforms. They go on a trip to the museum. The girl has a trip and breaks her arm and ends up at the doctors surgery which we can tell by the doctor wearing a white coat and an x-ray being explained to the girl and the adult with her. The music video also has a nightclub scene. Everyone in the club is drinking water which hints at the club scene in which drugs are used and makes you drink lots of water. Everyone in the club is dressed in black and no-one really stands out.

Use Of Camera

Extreme close up is used of the girl looking at her hands on the bus. Point of view shot is used from the girls perspective as she looks around the museum. A longshot is used in the club to show the skeletons all dancing. Tracking shot is used to follow the girl around the museum and then again when she is a woman and walking around the club. A high angle is used to look down on her as the boy spits on her book and a low angle is used to look up at him showing he is the more important one and she is vulnerable as she is getting her book spat on. A longshot is used to show all of the children running from the bus towards the museum. Panning is used to look at the dionsaur skeletons. Over the sholder shot is used to show the boy tapping the girl on the sholder.


Slow motion is used as the children are running from the bus to the museum. It is also used as the girl trips down the stairs breaking her arm and again later used as the woman is leaving the nightclub. Eliptical editing is used to show the girl growing from a child in to a woman. The editing changes from slow paced tp fast paced and it also matches the beat of the music.


Drug culture is hinted at as everyone in the club is drinking water which indicated drug use. This indirectly promotes the whole dance culture and drug use. The video is not arguing otherwise that drugs are not used by the dance culture. It is saying that people who listen to dance music are likely to take drugs.

Special Effects

Animated skeletons are used in the nightclub scene and x-rays of the girls hands as she looks at it on the bus and again in the club are used. Strobing is used inside the club scene.


The genre for this music is techno dance.


Old teens to young adults. Between the ages of 16-30